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DLP (Data Loss Prevention): Overview

What is DLP?

Paubox Data Loss Prevention (DLP) scans outgoing email from your organization to prevent sensitive data from leaking externally, whether accidentally or maliciously. With DLP, you can customize your scanning criteria to look for sensitive information such as Social Security numbers, credit card numbers, spreadsheets with large data sets, etc. Any emails that include sensitive information will be placed into quarantine and can be released or blocked by the administrator. DLP is available with Email Suite Premium.

How DLP works

With DLP, you can customize your scanning criteria to look for sensitive information such as Social Security numbers, credit card numbers, spreadsheets with large data sets, etc. Any emails that include sensitive information will be placed into quarantine and can be released or blocked by the administrator. 

How to set up DLP

The DLP Admin can access DLP in the Paubox Dashboard under Email DLP and click Settings to add custom scanning rules. 

Key features:

  • Scan for sensitive information within the body of an email and within attachments (PDFs, spreadsheets, documents, and unencrypted zip files).
  • Option to exempt DLP scanning for certain senders or email recipients.
  • Row counter feature that scans for spreadsheets with more than 1,000 rows in the first sheet and notifies admin when spreadsheets over the size are sent.
  • Option to send a notice to the email sender when an email is flagged by DLP and quarantined.
  • Inbound DLP option to prevent sensitive data from being sent to employees.