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GoDaddy: Update DKIM

Follow these instructions to update your DNS settings on GoDaddy.


  1. Navigate to https://account.godaddy.com/products 
  2. Click on the My Account menu at the top of the page, then select Domains GoDaddy DNS 1
  3. Click on the domain that you’re connecting to Paubox GoDaddy DNS 2
  4. Click on the DNS tab GoDaddy DNS 3
  5. Click on Add a new record
    NOTE: If you already have an existing "paubox._domainkey" record, click the pencil icon next to that record to Edit

    GoDaddy DNS 4
  6. In the Type dropdown, choose TXT GoDaddy DNS 5
  7. In the Name field, type “paubox._domainkey” GoDaddy DNS 6
  8. In the Value field, copy and paste the key value provided by Paubox GoDaddy DNS 7
  9. Click Save