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Paubox Email API: Testing with Postman

A Paubox subscription or trial subscription is required (don't have one? sign up here!)

Before sending email via the REST API, you must first configure your account as directed when signing up with Paubox: adding a sending domain to your Paubox account, verifying domain ownership, updating the domain's SPF record, and generating an API key.


This guide will show how to test basic functionality of the Paubox REST API using the Postman platform. After you Import Examples, you will be able to Send a Message and Get an Email Disposition. 

You will need the Endpoint Username and API Key for the sending domain from your Paubox dashboard.

Note that the Paubox Email API is built for developers to programmatically send email; please direct any code questions or issues to your organization's development team. 

Import Examples for Testing to Postman

  1. Download the linked JSON file at the very bottom of this article to your computer
  2. Download / open the Postman program
  3. In Postman, click Workspaces and then My Workspace
  4. Click Import from the top menu bar
  5. Click File in the popup window
  6. Click the Choose Files button and select the file you downloaded in Step 1 above
  7. Click Open to import the collection of Postman examples

Send a Message via the REST API using Postman

  1. Select Collections in the lefthand section
  2. Click the dropdown arrow to the left of the Paubox REST API Examples folder
  3. Click POST: Send Message
  4. Add your Endpoint Username - in the "POST" URL bar:
    1. Locate the text: <insert your endpoint username here>
    2. Replace that text with your domain's Endpoint Username (from the Paubox dashboard)
  5. Add your API Key - Click Headers below the "POST" URL bar:
    1. In the Authorization line, locate the text: <insert full api key here>
    2. Replace that text with your domain's API Key (from the Paubox dashboard)
  6. Click Body below the "POST" URL bar
  7. Create / modify your message and Send

Note: the sender and reply-to email addresses must be on the domain that generated the API Key.

Tip: Click Code in the upper right to use different languages to send your email

... you'll see the response displayed, including the source tracking ID.

Get a Sent Email's Disposition

  1. Select Collections in the lefthand section
  2. Click the dropdown arrow to the left of the Paubox REST API Examples folder
  3. Click GET: Get Email Disposition
  4. Add your Endpoint Username - in the "GET" URL bar:
    1. Locate the text: <insert your endpoint username here>
    2. Replace that text with your domain's Endpoint Username, if not already appearing
  5. Add your API Key - Click Headers below the "POST" URL bar:
      1. In the Authorization line, locate the text: <insert full api key here>
      2. Replace that text with your domain's API Key (from the Paubox dashboard)
  6. Add the Source Tracking ID - in the "GET" URL bar:
        1. Locate the text: <insert source_tracking_id here>
        2. Replace that text with the returned ID from a sent message
  7. Click Send

... you'll see the disposition of the email, including the opened status.

