Paubox Storage: Manage folder membership
Paubox Storage services will be discontinued on December 31, 2024.
Members of a folder can be internal or external email addresses. Members have access to all files in a folder, with either the ability to download-only, or with the ability to download and upload, depending on the member permission level.
View members
View the members of a folder & each member's permission level by either:
- From the main Home screen, click the down-arrow all the way to the right and select Members
- From the folder-level view, click on the Members button at the top
Change member permissions
Change member permissions in the Members section by clicking the Gear Wheel next to a member and selecting the appropriate permission level:
- Owner: Can upload files, download files, add and remove members
- Upload & Download: Can upload new files to the folder, and download files from the folder
- Download Only: Can download any files from the folder, but cannot add any files
- Kick out: Remove the person from folder membership
Invite new members
Invite new members to access a folder and its files by either:
- From the main Home screen, click the down-arrow all the way to the right and select Share
- From the folder-level view, click the down-arrow all the way to the right and select Share
- From the folder-level view, click the Share this Folder button at the top
... and then enter the email address, appropriate permission level, and Share. The new member will receive an email with a button to click to access the folder and its files. Members will receive email notifications when new files are added to the folder.